The #1 Product on WrapBootstrap – Trusted by Thousands!

Admin Dashboard Template

INSPINIA is the top-selling admin dashboard template on WrapBootstrap, known for its sleek design, flexibility, and powerful features. Build modern web applications with ease using the best in class!


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Discover INSPINIA's Demos

Inspinia offers flexible layout options to create modern web applications,
following the latest trends in web design and user experience.

Default Skin

Material Skin

Light Skin

Default Skin (Dark)

Material Skin (Dark)

Light Skin (Dark)

Discover INSPINIA's Layouts Demos

Explore layout demos designed for modern web applications with
flexible options that align with the latest trends in web design and user experience.

Fixed Layout

Fixed Sidebar

Collapse Sidebar

Full Width Topbar

Fixed Topbar

Fixed Footer

Canvas Menu

Boxed Layout

RTL Mode

Available Seed Projects

Need a specific framework? Contact our support for additional options! 🚀

Angular 19x
React 19x
NextJs 15x
ASP.Net Core 9x
Laravel 11x
PHP 8x
Ruby on Rails
Django 5x
Spring Boot 3x
Flask 3x
CodeIgniter 4x
Symfony 7x
Cake PHP 5x
Node Js
More Coming Soon
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